AFLA - ASP Side Event on the Review of the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression: Perspective of African States Parties
AFLA Mobilises African States Parties to the ICC to Review the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression
AFLA - ASP Side Event on the Review of the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression: Perspective of African States Parties
Invitation - ASP Side Event on the Review of the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression: Perspective of African States Parties
AFLA Mobilises African States Parties to the ICC to Review the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression
Second Symposium Convened on Preventing Gender-Based Violence in Southern Africa
Grateful Remembrance of Benjamin Ferencz
International Women's Day: Women’s Experiences, Women’s Perspectives
African Union Mission for Mali and the Sahel and Africa Legal Aid Sign Agreement of Cooperation
Professor Shadrack Billy Otwori Gutto 1951 – 2023
AFLA Seminar on The Use of Artificial Intelligence in International Criminal Courts
Symposium Convened on Preventing Gender-based Violence in Southern Africa
Gender Diversity and the Rome Statute System - Summary Report
AFLA Quarterly - A Victim-Centred and Gender-Sensitive Approach to Justice in Southern Africa: Shared Lessons
Judge Florence Ndepele Mumba - A Lifetime of Historical Firsts
Hague Girls - The Podcast - For Gender Equality
Judge Elizabeth Ibanda-Nahamya: A Tribute
8th Meeting of the Gender Mentoring Training Programme for Judges of International Courts and Tribunals
AFLA ASP Side Event - Justice Must Happen for Gambia
Gender-Sensitive Judging for ICC Judges and Judges of other International Courts and Tribunals
Gambia Supreme Court Judgement Paves The Way for Accountability for Serious Crimes
Victimes oubliées: Remédier à la revictimisation des femmes victimes de crimes fondés sur le genre au Mali
The Forgotten Victims: Addressing the Revictimisation of Female Victims of Gender-based Crimes in Mali
Happy Women’s Day 2021 #ChooseToChallenge
Judicial Mentoring for Judges of the ICC and other Judges of International Courts and Tribunals
Africa Legal Aid at the 18th Session of the Assembly of States Parties to the International Criminal Court
Symposium Convened on Lessons from the Gbagbo and Blé Goudé Case & ICC Review
Report: Emerging Trends on Complementarity, Consultations with Stakeholders in Africa
Your Free E-Copy of the AFLA Quarterly on the 20th Anniversary of the Rome Statute of the ICC
Some Phenomenal Women - In Consideration of Women's Day on 8th March
Gbagbo and Blé Goudé's Release: Too Little, Too Late
A Historic Acquittal of Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé
Yahya Jammeh's Victims Cry for Justice at ASP Event in The Hague
Understanding Complementarity Statement by Evelyn A. Ankumah at the Hague Working Group
AFLA Shares Lessons on Universalising the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court with Asian Stakeholders
'Justice Done at Home or Close to Home'
Ghanaian and International Groups Kick Off Campaign to Prosecute Yahya Jammeh
Yahya Jammeh Should Be Prosecuted, But Where?
Victims Of Hissène Habré: The Struggle For Reparations Continues - 16th Assembly Of States Parties
Ongoing ICC Judicial Elections
Seminar Report - Carrying Forward the Legacy of the Extraordinary African Chambers in the Habré Trial: an African Solution to an African Problem
Carrying Forward the Legacy of the Extraordinary African Chambers in the Habré Trial: an African Solution to an African Problem
Annonçant l'organisation, par AFLA et la Commission de l’UA, d'un Evènement Parallèle au 29ème Sommet de l’Union Africaine, 3-4 Juillet
Incorporating the Innovations of the Extraordinary African Chambers into International Criminal Justice
ASP Side Event Book Presentation on The ICC and Africa
The Hague Commemorates AFLA Book on the ICC and Africa
Announcing AFLA Book 4 The International Criminal Court And Africa: One Decade On
Seminar Report: Complementarity, The Habré Trial, Evolution Of Universal Jurisdiction
Seminar on Complementarity, the Habré Trial, and the Evolution of Universal Jurisdiction
Habré Convicted by the Extraordinary African Chambers
AFLA Seminar to Coincide with Habre Judgement
Official Opening of ICC Permanent Premises: An African Perspective
ICC Updates: Bemba Conviction followed by Termination of the Ruto & Sang Case
ICC Trial of Laurent Gbagbo opens on 28th January: a Mixed Blessing
AFLA Statement to the ASP on the Negative Impact of Revision
ICC Revision Project, Its Impact on Women and Africans
ICC ALERT: The Registrar's Questionable Revision Project
Universalizing the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Universalizing the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Symposium
In Memory of Joan Kagezi
ICC Appeals Chamber Confirms Ngudjolo Chui Acquittal: a Challenge to the ICC Host State
If it may please the Court: Africa and the Presidency of the International Criminal Court
Africa and the ICC: Engaging North African and Francophone Countries
Participate in AFLA’s debate on the ICC and Africa
Much Ado About the Extraordinary AU Summit on the ICC
Botswana Ratifies ICC Amendment on Crime of Aggression
Raising the Bar - ICC Acquits Matheiu Ngudjolo Chui
Adama Dieng Appointed Special Adviser On Prevention Of Genocide
Charles Taylor Verdict: Victory or Setback for International Criminal Justice?
The proposed Criminal Law Regime For Africa
Together We Can Save The SADC Tribunal
The AU, Its Stance Against the ICC, and Impunity in Africa
Victory for Bensouda, EboeOsuji and Sebuntinde
Fatou Bensouda is the Consencus Candidate for the ICC Prosecutor Position
Praise for Africa Who will be the Next Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court?
Two Africans and the ICC Prosecutor Position: A Mixed Blessing?
The International Criminal Court (ICC) in a Politically Divided World
European Parliament Seeks Africa Legal Aid’s Counsel on EU Support for the ICC
Is Africa Ready for Supranational Courts?
AFLA Quarterly on “Africa and International Justice: After Kampala”
Africa and the ICC: Complementarity in ICC Situation Countries
President Omar Al Bashir Visits Kenya
Africa and International Justice
On the Shores of Lake Victoria: Africa and the Review Conference of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
The AlBashir Arrest Warrant: The World vs Africa or the African Union vs the People of Africa
Ghana Supreme Court limits powers of National Human Rights Commission